Filmek / Nemzetközi filmprogram 2018
Ashley PEGG (United Kingdom):
How to reinterpret old churhc organs in Suffolk in the UK to create a contemporary sound.
Igor VAGANOV (Russian):
Through the poetic nerve of Brodsky, the profoundly dramatic music by Gordon, the ritual dance of Pollock paintings, the images of photographic art of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries referred to as pictorialism in history, and one of its most prominent representatives – an outstandi...
LICHTER Péter (Hungary):
This film was made during the first Hungarian abstract film workshop: the students created a free association adaptation of the poem of Guillaume Apollinaire. The film was made with direct animation technique, on 35 mm filmstrips. The film painting w...
Ülo PIKKOV (Estonia):
Letting Go is an animated documentary with a young girl from orphanage who wants to let go of the shadows that haunt her past.
Antonella MIGNONE & Cristiano PANEPUCCIA (Italy):
A reflection on the difficulty of living the present moment before it becomes a memory, on the fear of the inexorable march of Time.
William HENNE & Yann BONNIN (Belgium):
A succession of photos quickly pass. The place is revealed only by details, framed in close-up. This site is an immense cemetery of 42 km², located in Upper Silesia, whose motifs are known: railway crossings and rivets, windows, red bricks, mud and puddles, details of wagons, knots of barbed wi...
Moritz MUELLER-PREISSER & Franziska BROZIO (Germany):
Our world is becoming digital. Who we are is a question of data. Is our identity still in our hands?
A young man runs from the mainstream internet and meets his digital self. He finds answers for his questions, but will he do what needs to be done?
BÚZÁSI Gyopár-Orsolya (Hungary):
Babuka, a gorgeous young woman, experienced a fairytale-like story during the war. Amongst the greatest poverty appeared a mysterious American saviour, who, out of love, wanted to give her everything – starting with a new life. At that time, Babuka did not know who this young man was, and who he was to be...
Aude VUILLEMIN (France):
Deux female bodies, imbued with memories and physical hindrances, awaken in a timeless space, where their presence and their encounter leed them to thoughts fixed in this notion of today. Thoughts of a fully conscious being that needs to reconnect to itself to authenticity and to matter, trying to f...
2024-03-12 22:12
Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!